from ga_bulk_relax import relax from import get_raw_score from import CutAndSplicePairing from import DataConnection from import OperationSelector from import OFPComparator from import Population from import SoftMutation from import StrainMutation from import CellBounds, closest_distances_generator from import write # Connect to the database and retrieve some information da = DataConnection('gadb.db') slab = da.get_slab() atom_numbers_to_optimize = da.get_atom_numbers_to_optimize() n_top = len(atom_numbers_to_optimize) # Use Oganov's fingerprint functions to decide whether # two structures are identical or not comp = OFPComparator(n_top=n_top, dE=1.0, cos_dist_max=1e-3, rcut=10., binwidth=0.05, pbc=[True, True, True], sigma=0.05, nsigma=4, recalculate=False) # Define the cell and interatomic distance bounds # that the candidates must obey blmin = closest_distances_generator(atom_numbers_to_optimize, 0.5) cellbounds = CellBounds(bounds={'phi': [20, 160], 'chi': [20, 160], 'psi': [20, 160], 'a': [2, 60], 'b': [2, 60], 'c': [2, 60]}) # Define a pairing operator with 100% (0%) chance that the first # (second) parent will be randomly translated, and with each parent # contributing to at least 15% of the child's scaled coordinates pairing = CutAndSplicePairing(slab, n_top, blmin, p1=1., p2=0., minfrac=0.15, number_of_variable_cell_vectors=3, cellbounds=cellbounds, use_tags=False) # Define a strain mutation with a typical standard deviation of 0.7 # for the strain matrix elements (drawn from a normal distribution) strainmut = StrainMutation(blmin, stddev=0.7, cellbounds=cellbounds, number_of_variable_cell_vectors=3, use_tags=False) # Define a soft mutation; we need to provide a dictionary with # (typically rather short) minimal interatomic distances which # is used to determine when to stop displacing the atoms along # the chosen mode. The minimal and maximal single-atom displacement # distances (in Angstrom) for a valid mutation are provided via # the 'bounds' keyword argument. blmin_soft = closest_distances_generator(atom_numbers_to_optimize, 0.1) softmut = SoftMutation(blmin_soft, bounds=[2., 5.], use_tags=False) # By default, the operator will update a "used_modes.json" file # after every mutation, listing which modes have been used so far # for each structure in the database. The mode indices start at 3 # as the three lowest frequency modes are translational modes. # Set up the relative probabilities for the different operators operators = OperationSelector([4., 3., 3.], [pairing, softmut, strainmut]) # Relax the initial candidates while da.get_number_of_unrelaxed_candidates() > 0: a = da.get_an_unrelaxed_candidate() relax(a, cellbounds=cellbounds) da.add_relaxed_step(a) cell = a.get_cell() if not cellbounds.is_within_bounds(cell): da.kill_candidate(['confid']) # Initialize the population population_size = 20 population = Population(data_connection=da, population_size=population_size, comparator=comp, logfile='log.txt', use_extinct=True) # Update the scaling volume used in some operators # based on a number of the best candidates current_pop = population.get_current_population() strainmut.update_scaling_volume(current_pop, w_adapt=0.5, n_adapt=4) pairing.update_scaling_volume(current_pop, w_adapt=0.5, n_adapt=4) # Test n_to_test new candidates; in this example we need # only few GA iterations as the global minimum (FCC Ag) # is very easily found (typically already after relaxation # of the initial random structures). n_to_test = 50 for step in range(n_to_test): print(f'Now starting configuration number {step}') # Create a new candidate a3 = None while a3 is None: a1, a2 = population.get_two_candidates() a3, desc = operators.get_new_individual([a1, a2]) # Save the unrelaxed candidate da.add_unrelaxed_candidate(a3, description=desc) # Relax the new candidate and save it relax(a3, cellbounds=cellbounds) da.add_relaxed_step(a3) # If the relaxation has changed the cell parameters # beyond the bounds we disregard it in the population cell = a3.get_cell() if not cellbounds.is_within_bounds(cell): da.kill_candidate(['confid']) # Update the population population.update() if step % 10 == 0: # Update the scaling volumes of the strain mutation # and the pairing operator based on the current # best structures contained in the population current_pop = population.get_current_population() strainmut.update_scaling_volume(current_pop, w_adapt=0.5, n_adapt=4) pairing.update_scaling_volume(current_pop, w_adapt=0.5, n_adapt=4) write('current_population.traj', current_pop) print('GA finished after step %d' % step) hiscore = get_raw_score(current_pop[0]) print('Highest raw score = %8.4f eV' % hiscore) all_candidates = da.get_all_relaxed_candidates() write('all_candidates.traj', all_candidates) current_pop = population.get_current_population() write('current_population.traj', current_pop)